Friday, May 11, 2012

The Hunger Games and Camels

Hey people of the Spiral,
  Chels here, and i have a mass post for you!
I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES, are we clear? Yes? Okay, good. Ever since the Tag Game came out, I've been having Hunger Games parties using Wildfire. We pretend that elves are the muttations, and then the victor is announced in the courtyard. It's really fun. Here is a group I played with. We had exactly 24 people playing, so it was awesome. By the way: That is Shadow...
I also got the Camel Mount. He is so adorable and he chews and stuff! Yay! Here he is, I named him Salami:


  1. Hey! :)
    We haven't met yet! I'm Talon, I run the blog "The Hilarious Thaumaturge" and I was thinking, maybe we should meet up sometime!! I have not yet played the tag game yet, but we should play together sometime!
    Talon, Admin at THT

    1. Sure, maybe sometime today? Please reply,


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