Monday, November 19, 2012

Heads Up!

Hi guys!
      I think I"m hooked back on Azteca. Honestly, I can say that it is a ton of fun. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm terrible. :P

     Good news! I'm in that mood! Bad news... I'm in that mood. You know what I'm talking about!Oh, you don't? I'm in the writing mood! Good because I can stop procrastinating, bad because I'll not stop until I'm out of that mood.

I Want Your Feedback!
     Okay, I know I have like the world's smallest audience, and that's okay. But I ask a favor of you.
Please please PLEASE click on the title and scroll to the bottom to leave a comment! I'd reallly appreciate it! I don't blame you if you leave it anonymously, that's totally okay.

      Do you want to read the real Chapter 6? It is off topic, but (hopefully) equally as engaging. It is about a mysterious anonymous writer and his love for an anonymous girl. It may not be who you think....
     This chapter is not absolutely necessary for the book, and I can put it into a special edition when I finish, but I feel that it adds mystery and tension in the air.
     Also, if I do put it up, it goes up now. If not, Chapter 6/7 is already on its way.

Thank you all so much for you feedback! I really really appreciate it. If you have not yet read my story and you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, click HERE. Remember to leave a comment!

Chelsea, out!

PS: This post looks very boring, so here's a random picture!

PSS: I went through all of Malistaire's Lair to get this photo. O.O

PSSS: I ALWAYS forget to label, darn it!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Anonomosy! Go Blesea! Go random letter! Go random picture! Go Chelsea! Go other things! Go Hunger Games! Peace

    ~ Blesea Fan


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